7 Rules for Trying Your Best

One of the first things I often hear out of someone’s mouth, after they attempt to do something and fail, is that they tried their best. It’s good to know that even if you couldn’t get what you wanted, you at least pushed yourself hard to succeed. But what exactly does it mean to try […]

4 Things That Matter More Than Talent

Talent is one of those qualities people seem to really admire. And to a certain point, I can see why. It’s easy to look at someone successful like a big writer, artist or other professional and conclude that their path to greatness was due to some internal ability on one else has. Even recently I […]

Your Physical and Mental Limits Are an Illusion

If I asked you to tell me where your physical and mental limits are, would you be able to? How would you know they’re there? These aren’t easy questions to answer. But still many people go through their lives with the assumption that those limits are there. We tell ourselves that we can’t do something […]

I Wrote 10,000 Words Today, What Did You Do?

When you set your mind on something, it’s amazing how far you’ll go to achieve it.  That’s the lesson I learned after almost seven hours of continuous writing.  By the time the day finished, I had written 10,084 words, finished a lot of blog posts and obtained a huge sense of accomplishment.

7 Ways to Be More Interesting Than You Ever Thought Possible

Since I’ve arrived at my school in Morocco, I’ve had the opportunity to meet a wide range of people. Because it is an American school, the faculty is primarily composed of Americans, but there are still a lot of countries represented through many of the teachers and students. This means there are a lot of […]

Why It’s Hard to Do Things That Are Good for You

Remember when you were a little kid and your parents told you to eat your vegetables? I certainly do. And I also remember just how much I hated eating them. Everyone knows just how important it is to eat a balanced diet. In addition to that, people know how important it is to exercise regularly, […]

Make Your Life Awesome by Thinking of it as a Story

A few years ago I was in a class where the teacher asked everyone to finish this sentence: “life is a…”. Apparently, how you finish the sentence reveals how you see life, your place in it and your overall outlook. I don’t know if that’s entirely true, but I can tell you mine seemed pretty […]