Since Sherlock Holmes’ first story in 1887, he’s appeared in hundreds of adaptations. We’re all familiar with him to some extent. In fact, when we think of hard-nosed detectives, his name is usually the first we recall. I remember seeing parodies of him in cartoons when I was a little kid. Even though I had […]
10 Hard Things You Need to Do to Live a Full Life
In order to get the most out of life, you have to do hard things. Do things that frighten you or make you uncomfortable. Do things you always wanted to do, but didn’t think possible. Later in life, it’s these decisions that will mean the most to you. We have the power to define our […]
What to Do When You Feel Like Giving Up
“There is no failure except in no longer trying.” – Elbert Hubbard I’ve accomplished many big goals over the past few years. Live overseas? Did it. Graduate with a master’s degree? I crossed that off recently too. When I set my mind to a goal, I put in a lot of time and effort to […]
7 Simple Ways to Live a Positive, More Fulfilling Life
The journey to building a better life seems never-ending. We’re all busy working hard, earning money, pursuing our goals and trying to build our lives into what we want. Generally speaking, we think the people who are living the good life are those who have it all – money, success, looks, a big car and […]
How to Get Passionate About Boring Tasks
If you want to learn a foreign language, you need to spend hours memorizing vocabulary and grammar. To get into great shape, you need to perform repetitive exercises on a regular basis. I’ve written about the importance of doing boring things before, but that lesson was highlighted to me a few weeks ago at the […]
Why Having Faith in Yourself is so Damn Important
Wherever you go in life, whatever you want to do, you must have faith in yourself. This is not the same thing as believing in yourself – faith means a lot more than that. Belief is an opinion or judgment in which a person is fully persuaded based upon some reason or piece of information. […]
50 Things Really Smart People Do All the Time
What does it mean to be smart? You could quantify it as a number on an IQ chart. Or perhaps it comes from that diploma from a fancy university. But IQ tests are fundamentally flawed according to many researchers. They don’t take into account the various ways people can be smart. And to be honest, […]