Why Having Faith in Yourself is so Damn Important

Wherever you go in life, whatever you want to do, you must have faith in yourself. This is not the same thing as believing in yourself – faith means a lot more than that. Belief is an opinion or judgment in which a person is fully persuaded based upon some reason or piece of information. […]

50 Things Really Smart People Do All the Time

What does it mean to be smart? You could quantify it as a number on an IQ chart. Or perhaps it comes from that diploma from a fancy university. But IQ tests are fundamentally flawed according to many researchers. They don’t take into account the various ways people can be smart. And to be honest, […]

A Simple Mindshift for Explosive Change

*Note: This is a guest post by Razwana Wahid. The suspense was killing me. The build up had been happening for weeks. This was marketing genius. Feverishly salivating over every email I opened leading up to the big day, I’d made my decision before the offer had even landed in my inbox. I’d be flying […]

Why I Meditate on Zen Koans

I don’t meditate very often – maybe about once a week. But when I do, it’s on a koan. If you don’t know what a koan is, it’s a statement, parable or question that you concentrate on while you’re meditating. They’re meant to be logical absurdities that don’t make much sense on their own. Even […]

Do More Boring Things (Seriously)

One of the things I liked most about living in Morocco a year ago was that I got to speak French on a regular basis. I’m good at it, but not quite fluent. I’ve never actually tested how much I know about French, but it’s at least conversational. I know enough to be comfortable speaking […]

The Einstein Method for Freeing Your Creative Mind

In 1905, Einstein introduced the world to his groundbreaking theory of special relativity. It’s a very complex theory that I couldn’t possibly begin to explain here. But it spawned one of the world’s most well-known equations: E=MC2. Einstein is arguably one of the world’s greatest creative thinkers. How his mind came up with idea after […]

8 Mistakes that Wreck Your Confidence

It’s hard to underestimate the importance of confidence.  Confidence in yourself is needed if you want to reach your goals and live up to your potential.  Without it, you might not go after all the things you want out of life. With enough self-confidence, you could begin that dream project.  You could let go of […]