What a Moroccan Fisherman Taught Me About Life

I got back from Morocco about two weeks ago.  In total I spent over two months there with most of that time in Casablanca. Casablanca is the largest city in Morocco and the commercial center for the country. It’s definitely not as interesting a city as Marrakech or Fez, but it has a quiet charm […]

7 Rules for Trying Your Best

One of the first things I often hear out of someone’s mouth, after they attempt to do something and fail, is that they tried their best. It’s good to know that even if you couldn’t get what you wanted, you at least pushed yourself hard to succeed. But what exactly does it mean to try […]

What You Miss By Doing What Everyone Else Does

There’s a natural tendency to stick to the middle ground and do what everyone around you is doing. It’s like something is pulling you in line with everyone else. I can certainly see why that happens. Everyone likes to feel like they belong so if you do what everyone else is doing, you won’t feel […]

4 Things That Matter More Than Talent

Talent is one of those qualities people seem to really admire. And to a certain point, I can see why. It’s easy to look at someone successful like a big writer, artist or other professional and conclude that their path to greatness was due to some internal ability on one else has. Even recently I […]

5 Steps to Achieving an Impossible Goal

  Have you ever dreamed about doing something only to dismiss it away as being impossible? Maybe you made some excuse as to why you couldn’t achieve it or why you shouldn’t bother trying. Whatever it is, you’ve labeled it impossible and moved on with your life. But what if that goal isn’t as impossible […]

Always Pursue Your Dreams – No Matter What Happens

I was watching a documentary the other day about someone who is pursuing their dream to become a big actor in Hollywood.  He arrived ten years ago and since then has had minimal success in reaching that goal.  When asked, the actor said he felt the time he spent pursuing his dream was completely worth […]

5 Things You Should Be Able to Say Before You Die

I think one of the most uncomfortable truths about life is the realization that one day you’re going to die.  But rather than sadden me, I find the concept weirdly liberating.  To know that I have a finite time on earth reminds me that I need to keep moving if I want to experience everything […]