How Well Do You Really Know Yourself?

Trying to figure out who you are seems relatively straightforward. After all, no one spends more time around you than you. But answering the question of how well you know yourself is actually really tricky. Imagine it like this. Some of the biggest characters in literature have volumes written about their motivation, issues, and relationships. […]

Are You Crazy Enough to Reach Your Dreams?

If there’s anything I’ve learned in the past few years, it is that to live the life you want, you need to be a little bit crazy. Just a little though. When it comes to craziness the old minimalistic phrase of less is more really works. Now I’m not suggesting you become insane or push […]

The Work/Life Paradox

Work is essential to people for obvious reasons. If you don’t earn money, you can’t pay for a place to stay or food to eat. So I can see why many people put a lot of importance on getting and maintaining a job. However, there is a hidden cost to having a job. It takes […]

How Friends Can Stop You From Reaching Your Potential

Friends are one of those simple joys in life. Some of my fondest memories are when I’ve put together a large group of friends and did nothing but hang out. And when times are rough, it’s great to know they’ll be there for you. But what about those times when everything is going right for […]

4 Characteristics Interesting People Have

What makes someone more interesting than another person? That’s not always an easy question to answer. There are a lot of subjective viewpoints that are hard to measure especially when it comes to personality traits. On average, I’d say that less than half the people I’ve met in my life have been interesting. It’s not […]

Time is the Most Important Thing You Own

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t come into the world with nothing but your naked self. You’re actually already in possession of one of your most important gifts: time. I like to imagine time as if you are given a certain amount of tickets at birth. At the end of each day, you hand in […]

Why You Should Read Controversial Books

In 2005 a children’s picture book called And Tango Makes Three was published. The story follows two Chinstrap penguins in New York’s Central Park Zoo named Roy and Silo. The two penguins hatch and raise a young chick named Tango and make a family. So far the story seems simple and almost unremarkable. That would […]