The Difference Between You and People Doing Awesome Things

I read a fascinating story in National Geographic a few months ago about a guy who hiked the perimeter of Alaska.  All he carried with him was a backpack full of gear, a kayak and tent.  He’d trek to various state parks every day and set up his tent at night before heading out again […]

Your Everyday Decisions Are More Important Than You Realize

It’s easy to look back on your past and see how big decisions have changed your life. What’s harder to do is look back and realize how all those small everyday decisions have impacted you. Most people give a lot of thought to making big decisions, but how many of us give much thought to […]

7 Truths About Fear That Build Courage

Can you have courage without fear? By definition, courage is the ability to confront fear and uncertainty. You really can’t have one without the other. Some of the best things you can do for yourself require courage. Fear is what holds you back. But the two are so interlinked that you can never quite separate […]

The Willingness to Say Controversial and Outrageous Things

In the roughly three years I’ve had this blog, I’ve published a few posts that some people have considered a little controversial. At least that’s the general consensus I got from the blast of negative comments I received. A few of those times were completely unintentional, but admittedly some were deliberately provoking. And in those […]

7 Rules for Trying Your Best

One of the first things I often hear out of someone’s mouth, after they attempt to do something and fail, is that they tried their best. It’s good to know that even if you couldn’t get what you wanted, you at least pushed yourself hard to succeed. But what exactly does it mean to try […]

What You Miss By Doing What Everyone Else Does

There’s a natural tendency to stick to the middle ground and do what everyone around you is doing. It’s like something is pulling you in line with everyone else. I can certainly see why that happens. Everyone likes to feel like they belong so if you do what everyone else is doing, you won’t feel […]

4 Things That Matter More Than Talent

Talent is one of those qualities people seem to really admire. And to a certain point, I can see why. It’s easy to look at someone successful like a big writer, artist or other professional and conclude that their path to greatness was due to some internal ability on one else has. Even recently I […]