Special Update: I’m Writing an eBook



I have two big things to cover in this post.  From the title, you can probably guess that one of the announcements is the start of a new ebook.

Yes, it’s happening.  I’m putting together a lot of information into an ebook for this blog.  It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while so I’m thrilled to finally announce it.

Starting an eBook

I wanted to wait until there was a sizeable audience for this blog and now that I have well over 1000 RSS subscribers and thousands of Twitter and Facebook followers, I finally feel like there is one.

The topic of my ebook is similar to the post I put out a few weeks ago called “How I Saved Up $10,000 to Fund My Travels”.

It’s going to be a really detailed description about how I save up money to travel.  It will have a step by step guide on how you can save up money to travel and make travel cheaper.  To sum it up in one sentence, it is going to answer this question:

“How do you afford to travel so much?”

It’s going to cover:

  1. How to cut costs and save up money to travel
  2. How to save money while traveling, and
  3. How to make it so money is never an obstacle to traveling.

Right now I have a general outline for the book.  I already have a few thousand words down and I keep adding more to it each day.  At this time, I don’t have a title yet, but maybe I’ll narrow it down and ask you all what you think.

That’s all the information I have to share about it now.  It’s good to finally get this out there.  I’ve only told a few people about it so far, but the idea has been sparking a lot of interest.

So that’s it for now.  I’ll release more information about it as I go.

Here’s the second update:

To those Who Use Google Reader

For those of you who don’t use Google Reader, you can skip this section completely.  Seriously, you’re not missing anything.

Still with me?

Ok, good.

For those of you who use Google Reader, this section has an important message.  You may be aware of this information already, but I still want to go over it.

If you’re subscribed to a lot of blogs, you’ve probably been inundated with posts from them about why you need to change your reader and how to do it.  Even if you haven’t, you’ve noticed Google Reader’s constant messages informing you that they’re shutting Google Reader down.

So you know that Google Reader is closing their doors on July 1st.  I don’t know what will happen after that day, but you might lose access to all the blogs you follow including this one.

That means you better move all your RSS subscriptions to another reader.

You have two options to choose from in order to keep getting updates from this site:

  1. Switch from Google Reader to Feedly.  It’s a good service that lets you transfer everything from Google Reader right to it quickly and easily.
  2. Subscribe to email updates.  You’ll get all new updates from the site directly to your inbox.

Remember that you can always keep in contact through Twitter and Facebook too.

No matter how you do it, thanks for reading.

photo credit: Peter Beug


  1. Huge congrats to taking the leap, Steve! I’ve been meaning to write an eBook as well but my vacation has me tied up in adventures that aren’t writing related. On the bright side, I have tons of new experiences to draw from. Let me know if there’s anything I can help with! 🙂

    • Yeah, it’s a leap, but it’s on a topic I know really well. I’ve put a lot of effort into it so far. So far it’s been a little challenging, but doable.

  2. Steve, you are the Coolest Doer of Things Cool! Well, we certainly can’t wait to read this book because we sure as heck want travel to move up the priority list. Wait until CJ hears this. His head will pop off.

  3. Really exciting news about the book Steve! Hope you have fun writing it and look forward to having a little read when it is ready. Good luck!

    • I’ve been having a lot of fun writing it so far. It’s work, but it’s on a topic I know well and feel really passionate about.

  4. Also, this is a post I wrote recently about alternatives to Google Reader, in case your readers want more options!

  5. This is exciting stuff Steve! I’m definitely interested on the topic of how to fund your travels. I wrote something similar about travelers finances recently: http://www.wearesolesisters.com/2013/05/travelers-financial-review-how-not-to.html, But I def need to learn more about the making money part. Keep the updates coming!

  6. Hot damn! Hot damn!!! Stevo is writing a book and it’s about travel!!! Love your site and love that you travel so much, so we’ll be glad to snap that sucker up when it is released. Hey, and congrats on all the followers. You did it right, man. Have a stoked off weekend, Steve!!!

    • Oh yeah, I think everyone knows travel is a passion of mine. But I’m also good at saving money up to do it. So I think it’s a good interesting topic people will get a lot out of.

  7. Great news Steve! I am excited about the fact you are writing an e-book about saving money for traveling. Can’t wait to read it! I love to travel myself, but it seems so hard to save money, so I can’t wait to see what tips you have for us.

    • Yeah, I hear from a lot of people that they have trouble saving money up to do it. It’s one of the biggest obstacles I hear from people who want to travel.

  8. Exciting stuff! Out of curiosity – how long have you been at it?

    • I’ve had the general outline ready for a little over a month. I have some chapters written, but I still have a way to go. I’m trying to make it as useful as possible without overwhelming the reader with information. Practical, informative, but also accessible.

  9. Looking forward to reading your book!!!

  10. Steve, looking forward to the book. Best of luck with it!

  11. Sounds like something I will want to read, Steve. For sure. And if you want a proof reader – I’m a friggin expert !

  12. Nice man! I’m looking forward to an ebook like this. For $10,000 I bet you can do quite a bit, but you can definitely help take the dollar further. I toyed with some credit card hacks to get super miles too 🙂

    • I’m thinking about including a chapter on frequent flyer miles which would mean putting in a section on credit cards. You’re right that you can get a lot of miles (and free flights) that way.

  13. That’s a great idea for an eBook! I think lots of people will find that topic useful and interesting. Good luck!

    • Thanks, Jessica. I’m glad you like the idea. I’ve been getting a lot of positive feedback on this and interest has been growing. So it’ll be great when I can get this out there.

  14. Kick ass Steve! Sounds like a book that plenty of folks would love to have. After all, who doesn’t want to travel on less?

    Good luck buddy!

    • Yeah, I hear from a lot of people who see money as a big obstacle to traveling. It will have a lot of good stuff in it to travel for less.

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