Your Million Dollar Idea

Do you want to be rich? Well, financial independence could just be one idea away from happening. Most people think the next million dollar idea is going to appear to someone in a lab coat at a major University or by some egghead engineer at Apple. However, many of the best ideas could really be […]

8 Unique and Interesting Pub Crawls

A pub crawl is a great way to share a beer or two with a close friend. It is also a great way to share a beer with a group of people wearing funny hats or costumes. Either way, pub crawls can be a great way to make friends and have a good time. Pub […]

How to Remember More of What You Read

Reading is important for anyone who wants to get ahead in life. The skills you can learn and the viewpoints that can change your life are just some of the benefits of reading. If you don’t remember what you read, a book is just words on a page – not much use to you. The […]

Needs and Wants: Discovering the Subtleties That Can Change Your Life

I think it’s safe to say that when pressed, most people will be able to tell the difference between wants and needs. Yet, I see many people blur the distinction between the two using the words “want“ and “need“ interchangeably. Remember, nobody “needs” a big screen TV. However, the difference between wants and needs isn’t […]

6 of the Least Touristy Countries – Hidden Gems You Should Visit

The road more traveled can be easy to follow. Food, transportation and accommodations are all readily available. However, many travelers dream of seeing something few others have. With adventurous travelers making new paths every day, it can be harder to find these unique places. However, there are many countries that don’t have as many tourists […]

The Secret to Being and Thinking Creatively

  Whether we realize it or not, creativity has affected our lives in many ways. All the technological advancements around us were the result of someone thinking creatively. All the best works of art were too. The very word “creativity” means to bring thought into reality; something from nothing. It’s the source of all mankind’s […]

8 Questions to Ask Yourself That Will Improve Your Life

Some of those most important things you do in life come down to the decisions you make. You can go one way or the other, but eventually you’ll have to make a decision. That means facing some tough questions. That’s where these questions come in. I listed out some important questions to ask yourself. Your […]