My Crazy, Stressful, Wonderful Year: 2015 in Review

If you think about it, there’s no real reason to celebrate the coming of a new year. Its basic function is to commemorate the full circle of our planet’s rotation around the sun. We’re not remembering any particular historical or religious event or celebrating a national hero so the day seems hardly worth caring about. […]

7 Reasons to Do that Crazy Thing You’ve Always Wanted to Do

Two of my friends are starting off on a grand journey soon. In a few weeks, they’re quitting their jobs and taking six months off to travel around the world. It took them years to save up the money, but they’ve finally earned enough to take the leap. Some people have called their plans a […]

Walt Disney’s Magical Strategy for Being Excellent in Everything

Disney is one of history’s greatest innovators. He was the first person to add sound and color to his animated films. While everyone else was making cartoon shorts, he dared to make a full-length animated movie, Snow White, which turned into a massive hit. When he made Bambi, he took it even further. In order […]

Your Beautiful Life Will Expand When You Eliminate the Excess

For many people, a good life is about more. More stuff. More things to do. More friends. More of everything. For me, a good life is about less. I moved from a big house into a small apartment. In the process, I donated or threw away many of the things I owned. I even donated […]

7 Life Lessons from the Man Who Saved Over One Billion Lives

Chances are that you’re not familiar with Norman Borlaug. He doesn’t have the household name of a famous movie star or pop singer, but, by the time he died in 2009, he was credited with saving the lives of over one billion people. It all started so simply. In 1944 he moved to Mexico to […]

23 Profound Quotes that Will Make You See Everything Differently

I remember when I was a little child and the world seemed so strange and new. I wanted to know what was out there, what weird things could I learn. When someone told me the Earth was just a giant rock floating in the middle of nothingness, I was taken aback – it blew my […]

The Wonderful Reality of Not Having Life All Figured Out

I don’t have life all figured out. That’s not to say I don’t have a good life. I’m a respected writer, my marriage is wonderful, I travel regularly and I have a son on the way. I’m happy with the way things are going. But this hasn’t always been the case. A few years ago, […]