3 Ways to Hack Your Mind for Powerful Motivation

Motivation is a funny thing.  Some days you wake up on top of the world – pumped up and ready to tackle everything you need to do.  Other days, it vanishes and you can’t get yourself to do anything at all. I usually consider myself a well-motivated person.  But still, I come across days when […]

How to Beat the Illusion of Limitations

“I can’t go on…” I was lifting weights the other day when that thought crept into my head.  I was reaching a point where I was doing more than I normally did – past my limitations. I almost listened to it.  I almost packed up my stuff and left. But I didn’t.  I know that […]

An Amazing Story of Determination that Will Inspire You to Take Action

A few weeks ago, I watched a documentary about Hawaii – specifically about its history and culture. It’s a good documentary overall, but the story about how Hawaii was discovered particularly caught my attention.  It is easily one of the greatest stories about perseverance and determination I’ve ever heard. If you ever need an inspiring […]

7 Ways to Stop Wasting Life and Start Living It

We’ve all heard that life is short.  There’s just not enough time to do everything that we’d like to do. I know I still have a lot of things I still want to accomplish before I die.  It sometimes seems never-ending. But the problem isn’t that life is too short.  It’s usually because we’re not […]

What if There is No Someday?

Do you have a big goal you want to do “someday”? Whether you say you’ll do it tomorrow, next month, next year or just plain whenever, it’s that thing you just seem to keep putting off into the future. I think everyone can relate to this. We all have that goal we want to do, […]

3 Traits that Help Build Long-Term Success

We’ve all heard that success doesn’t happen overnight.  A lot of articles have already been written on the subject. It’s generally agreed that it’s much better to take the long-term approach to success. And that makes sense.  Big goals and achievements take time.  It might take months or even years to reach some of the […]

How I Saved Up $10,000 to Fund My Travels

When I reached my early 20s, I saw something I thought I’d never see.  My bank account rolled over into five digits as I passed the $10,000 mark for the first time. I rarely tell people this because I don’t want to come off as boastful. I’m saying this now because a lack of money […]